Conflict of Interest
Substantial state and federal requirements exist pertaining to standards of conduct and conflict of interest. It is the intent of the district for all employees to conduct all activities associated with procurements in compliance with the highest ethical standards, including the avoidance of any real or perceived conflict of interest. It is also the intent of the district to impose appropriate sanctions or disciplinary actions, including but not limited to termination and/or prosecution, for any employees who violate any of these requirements.
To receive federal funds, the district adheres to the GaDOE Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Policy. In addition to state requirements pertaining to standards of conduct and disclosure of conflict of interest, in accordance with 2 C.F.R. 200.13(c)(1) Calhoun County School System adheres to the federal standards with regard to selection, award, and administration of federal contracts.
The LEA will disclose in writing any potential conflict to federal awarding agency in accordance with applicable federal awarding agency policy. Any violation of federal criminal law involving fraud, bribery, or gratuity violations potentially affecting the federal award will be disclosed in writing in a timely manner.
FY23 CCSS Parent and Family Engagement Plan
FY 23 Parent Input Survey